Title: THE AFTERWORD | Work Hard, Rest Easy - Week 2 - Questions about Sabbath
This week, David shares actual questions submitted by WestGate Church congregants about what it means for someone in the Bay Area to “practice keeping the Sabbath.” What does this look like, practically, in a region whose culture flows swiftly toward “overwork.” Does the Sabbath *have* to be on a Sunday? Irreligious people sometimes say they “Sabbath”…is there a way to Sabbath that’s functionally non-religious? What about if you’re an introvert? Does Sabbathing look different for different people? And how do you Sabbath if your work and family responsibilities don’t ever shut off? Jay Kim and Corinna Girard stop by to provide some pastoral insights to these questions and more. Also, find out what a “horse porpoise” is, and why it’s so important.
Speakers: David Tieche + Jay Kim + Corinna Girard
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