David Tieche's Substack
WestGate Church Teaching
Work Hard, Rest Easy - Week 3

Work Hard, Rest Easy - Week 3

Sermon Description:

Money is the topic of more than 25 percent of Jesus’ parables.  One out of every 10 verses (288 total) in the Gospels are about money and resources, and there are more than 2,350 verses in the Bible are about money and resources.  Why?  Because money can easily, easily lead to greed, which is enslavement to money and all that it promises.  And this isn’t just a risk for those with plenty. It’s a high risk for all of us—those with financial hardship, uncertainty, and stability and comfort.  We’ll examine how follow Jesus’ clear example to “be on guard” against greed and share practical ways to make sure that God is our Master, not money.  


Jay Kim (Saratoga), Steve Clifford (South Hills)

Bible Passages): 

Luke 12:13-21

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